Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boss Cross #3: Platte Ridge Park

What's up. It's that time again! Boss Cross #3 in all of it's hallowed goodness will be this Saturday (Halloween) at Platte Ridge Park in Platte City (I-29 and 371). Come dressed to impress and you may win free entry to our December 5 race at Barry Platte Park. All of you will remember the pain that this course can inflict on people from last year, but this year looks to be much warmer and will hopefully involve less snow!
Registration will open at 9:00.
10:00 A.M. Men 35+, 45+, 55+ 45 min
10:00 A.M. Women Open (1-4) 45 min
11:00 A.M. Men Cat 4 (35+ Beginners)
11:00 A.M. Women Cat 4 30 min
11:00 A.M. Junior 30 min
11:00 A.M. Single Speed (M &W) 30 min
12:00 P.M. Men Cat 4 30 min
1:00 P.M. Men Cat 3/4 45 min
2:00 P.M. Men Cat 1/2/3 60 min

Check below flyer for any further information and call the shop w/ questions...587-8181.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Results, Results, Results

I know everyone likes to see their name on the internets, and lots of guys have been emailin' requestin' these... So, lemme say to anyone interested, if I don't respond to your email in a timely fashion, there are two reasons: 1 - I'm lazy and a bad communicator, and for this I'm sorry, you deserve better, it's not you, it's me, and 2 - I'm sitting at a hotel bar in Jefferson City and don't have access to my home email account....

So, here are pdf's of the English Landing Cyclocross Classic Boss Cross presented by Cycle City Round's #1 and #2 Results. For you jerks who want excel format, I can't do that, believe it or not. You see the scoring software is some sort of access database that is beyond my comprehension. So, what you see is what you get.

Race Day Boss 1


Race Day Boss 2 Result

Monday, October 5, 2009

Round 3 Boss Cross and Beyond

Here's the flyer for the next two races again... Please note, and tell any old farts you know who want to race cross but aren't keen on getting their asses kicked by the young pups, we have added a 35+ Category 4 race at 11:00! Get'em out here!

Bc09 03 Flyer


Well, I'm shelled. I'm sure all you hardcores who raced both days are worse off than me... And you guys who raced one of the days are probably knackered too! I have to say, this was a bitchin weekend, ladies and gentlemen. You all really made the events badass... I must thank each and everyone for coming out, and I definitely have to shout out to Ted and Wes, as well as all the other volunteers, for helping out with what is a thankless job - wrangling incoming park users and course control. I know that there were some issues with people walking on the course during races. I also know that we need to work on it... however, despite this, I think the weekend was a sucess. We'll be posting results, series points, and all that crap in the next week or so, be patient.

This is going to be a staple on the calendar, gents... See you on Halloween!